Key stakeholders meeting on the contribution to 2014 HIV and AIDS work plan was held at National Aids Authority's (NAA) central office on 17 February 2014.
The meeting was proceeded under the chairmanship of HE Senior Minister Ieng Mouly, Chairman of NAA and it is also held a few hours prior to NAA's 2014 retreat departure to Sihanoukville.
At the outset, HE Senior Minister expressed his warmly welcome to key players in AIDS sector including UNAIDS representatives, Cambodian Development Council's, NCHADS', KHANA's and other participants to the meeting.
Senior Minister Ieng Mouly outlined the goal of the meeting and retreat that could bring to solidarity among key players in AIDS sector in Cambodia, and knew knowledge in response to changes in HIV and AIDS epidemic.
The Chairman's opening remark was followed by four presentations by key stakeholders namely Ms Vaneuda from CRDB/CDC, Ms Marie Olile from UNAIDS, Dr. Ly Penh Srun from NCHADs, and Mr. Choub Sok Chamreun from KHANA.
HE Chairman expected that the presentations made by the four key development partners would benefit NAA's retreat so that the government's institution (NAA) could benchmark and develop its plans and projects for future work.